Thursday, May 31, 2007
The week is flying by, Hubby's family is coming to visit this weekend, which I think is two days from today, I need to get the house in order (but it isn't really messy), I just feel like being lazy lately, I am tired and blah. I want to go on a walk and play with the kids, but I can't motivate myself to put the energy into it. I just want to sit or lay around. I think I don't have the energy because I am not doing anything, I have noticed when I make myself do what needs to be done, I get the energy out of no where! I think thats crazy how that works! I am getting more and more excited about our move, but at the same time, it is going to suck being so far away and not have family so close. Oh, 2 days ago, my Roo called 911 from an old cell phone!! I was so shocked, embarrassed. I found out though that as long as the battery has any charge, you can call 911, the sim card and that fact that it hasn't been in use for over 6 months doesn't matter! I thought the battery would have been dead! But that is over. Anyway, I need to get myself up and around!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
It's Raining, I LOVE IT!!!!
I woke up this morning and it' s raining. I am in a GREAT mood. I don't know what it is about it raining, but lately I am in a better mood when it does. My Gus Gus always wakes up in a good mood. He is my morning baby, that alone makes getting going in the morning easier and something I look forward to. My weekend was wonderful! My tattoo looks great, my Hubby had a great time, I didn't treat him "bad" just normally. It's going to get busy, we might have Hubby's mom visiting this weekend, we will know by the end of the day, The following weekend, my dad will visit, the next, some of our bestest friends from Colorado will be visiting for a week!!!!! and the last week, we will be packing and getting ready to move far, far away. I am excited!!!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
I Got My Tattoo!!!!
Well, My mom arrived last night. Today I got my tattoo. It looks AWESOME!!! I am soo happy with it! It's a butter fly. I will figure out how to post pictures so I can show you what it looks like. My sister got her bellybutton re-pierced, we tried to talk mom into getting another tattoo or piercing, but she waited.
My boys have had a good day as well. Roo had my little brother (he is 2 weeks younger, yes weeks) and Gus Gus had my nephew who is 9 months old. They did GREAT!!! there was playing NO fighting.
Oh, about the Hubby thing, so far so good. I have been able to act normal towards him, instead of being mean. Today was all in all a WONDERFUL day!!! Well, it is REALLY late!!Just wanted to tell you that.
My boys have had a good day as well. Roo had my little brother (he is 2 weeks younger, yes weeks) and Gus Gus had my nephew who is 9 months old. They did GREAT!!! there was playing NO fighting.
Oh, about the Hubby thing, so far so good. I have been able to act normal towards him, instead of being mean. Today was all in all a WONDERFUL day!!! Well, it is REALLY late!!Just wanted to tell you that.
Friday, May 25, 2007
I Made Up Something GREAT!
Not much went on yesterday, hubby got off early and we played WOW for a bit. Then I had to make dinner. I made up a recipe for chicken, it was AWESOME!! I have NEVER done anything like that before. I am so proud.
We got the house cleaned earlier than normal, and the kiddos in bed without any problems. So, we were going to get on and play some more, but then Hubby's friend kept coming over because he needed Hubby's help with the computer, so he went to help. Then when they still couldn't get it working. I don't know why, but his friend got on our computer, online to play the game (since his computer was messed up). So that kept me and Hubby from getting on and playing. I was getting mad because it was time me and Hubby could do something, and we weren't going to be able to do anymore this weekend since family is visiting. I also didn't want to stay up late because we had family coming and I wanted to be rested and get some things done, but he didn't leave till after 11pm. I am STILL fuming. Hubby tried to get him to leave, but he doesn't do it straight forward so, unless they read between the lines you wouldn't "get it". I don't mind company AT ALL. But when they come here and "take over" what we pay for that makes me SOOO mad! I don't feel sorry if their stuff isn't working because they wouldn't for us. It would be "oh, that sucks" and nothing! If it is bothering them THAT bad, then the money (he his single) they have and afre "throwing around" he should go and buy another computer. Ok, I will get off of that.
I am a little nervous. My mom, sister, brother, nephew, and step-dad are coming to visit. They reason I am nervous is Hubby says I treat him different when they are around and it's not the normal way I treat him. It's not THAT bad but it's not a good different either. I never "GOT" what he was saying, he couldn't explain it to me either, until last month. I realized and could put into words what he was trying to tell me. I feel horrible. I don't want to be different towrd when they are around. What it I do is treat him like my family treats each other, again, not a bad thing, unless you are not use to it and are a certain type of person, which Hubby is that type. We get along GREAT, so I don't want that to change. When I'm around my family, we don't get along that great and it's because I start acting like them. So, I am trying to NOT do that now, and show Hubby that I can treat him the same no matter who is visiting. So, wish me luck and prayers would be welcomed. I don't want to go into details here, but it is a hard thing to have to do. Especially since I grew up like that. Anywho, TOO much rambling.I will go now. I will try to get one and post what we did and how my thing is going.
We got the house cleaned earlier than normal, and the kiddos in bed without any problems. So, we were going to get on and play some more, but then Hubby's friend kept coming over because he needed Hubby's help with the computer, so he went to help. Then when they still couldn't get it working. I don't know why, but his friend got on our computer, online to play the game (since his computer was messed up). So that kept me and Hubby from getting on and playing. I was getting mad because it was time me and Hubby could do something, and we weren't going to be able to do anymore this weekend since family is visiting. I also didn't want to stay up late because we had family coming and I wanted to be rested and get some things done, but he didn't leave till after 11pm. I am STILL fuming. Hubby tried to get him to leave, but he doesn't do it straight forward so, unless they read between the lines you wouldn't "get it". I don't mind company AT ALL. But when they come here and "take over" what we pay for that makes me SOOO mad! I don't feel sorry if their stuff isn't working because they wouldn't for us. It would be "oh, that sucks" and nothing! If it is bothering them THAT bad, then the money (he his single) they have and afre "throwing around" he should go and buy another computer. Ok, I will get off of that.
I am a little nervous. My mom, sister, brother, nephew, and step-dad are coming to visit. They reason I am nervous is Hubby says I treat him different when they are around and it's not the normal way I treat him. It's not THAT bad but it's not a good different either. I never "GOT" what he was saying, he couldn't explain it to me either, until last month. I realized and could put into words what he was trying to tell me. I feel horrible. I don't want to be different towrd when they are around. What it I do is treat him like my family treats each other, again, not a bad thing, unless you are not use to it and are a certain type of person, which Hubby is that type. We get along GREAT, so I don't want that to change. When I'm around my family, we don't get along that great and it's because I start acting like them. So, I am trying to NOT do that now, and show Hubby that I can treat him the same no matter who is visiting. So, wish me luck and prayers would be welcomed. I don't want to go into details here, but it is a hard thing to have to do. Especially since I grew up like that. Anywho, TOO much rambling.I will go now. I will try to get one and post what we did and how my thing is going.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
My Kids
Well, I already posted yesterday so, I was saving the story for today. I had to run a few errands after my post. Well, on the last one, I put the kids in the car and loaded the bags, got in, and started to head home. Well, the of course is a light from the parking lot onto the road. I naturally got stuck at the red light. All of a sudden, i look down and my little Gus Gus so nonchalantly, says in a sweet little voice "Hi!". I of course proceed to have a heart attack!!! Luckily we caught the red light so, I picked him up and buckled him into his car seat. My Roo can buckle himself, and Gus Gus got into his seat. I totally forgot to strap my little one in!!! I felt so bad. But he was so cute about it, I smiled after I had him safe in his seat.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Finally Got Out Of The House!
There happen to be a playgroup today and I took the kids! I am so happy, they played and I got to converse with other moms!Ok got that out. I didn't get a chance to run my errands yesterday instead I bought a Ninja Turtle and Power Ranger cake pan off of ebay. So, now after kiddos eat lunch, I will running real quick to pick up a few things. I am also trying yet again to have a playgroup thing at my house Thursday (I will let you know if anyone shows).
There was something special I was wanting to write about so, I am doing that now. My Gus Gus, He is weaning, you know that already, well, this is the beginning of the 3rd week he has not nursed at ALL. He still asks for it and implies he wants it at nap and bedtimes (sometimes). What I wanted to tell was what he does in place of nursing. I have to hold and cuddle him to get him to sleep, but he pops his sleepy head up with those half-opened eyes (because he is SOO tired) and starts to give me sweet little kisses. He has to kiss both cheeks (in the right spot, which I don't even know where that is, he does, I found this out because sometimes, in no pattern, he will kiss more than once, like he is finding the right feeling place) and my lips. Numerous times until he has no more energy to raise his head and he falls asleep!
Isn't that just SOO adorably sweet? I love it!! Sometimes when I am getting him to sleep, I will forget he does this, and I am like, lay your head down baby, be still. But, he proceeds to do is ritual, and I remember what he is doing. Anyway, just thought I would share.Have a good day!!
There was something special I was wanting to write about so, I am doing that now. My Gus Gus, He is weaning, you know that already, well, this is the beginning of the 3rd week he has not nursed at ALL. He still asks for it and implies he wants it at nap and bedtimes (sometimes). What I wanted to tell was what he does in place of nursing. I have to hold and cuddle him to get him to sleep, but he pops his sleepy head up with those half-opened eyes (because he is SOO tired) and starts to give me sweet little kisses. He has to kiss both cheeks (in the right spot, which I don't even know where that is, he does, I found this out because sometimes, in no pattern, he will kiss more than once, like he is finding the right feeling place) and my lips. Numerous times until he has no more energy to raise his head and he falls asleep!
Isn't that just SOO adorably sweet? I love it!! Sometimes when I am getting him to sleep, I will forget he does this, and I am like, lay your head down baby, be still. But, he proceeds to do is ritual, and I remember what he is doing. Anyway, just thought I would share.Have a good day!!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Going to the Dentist Today
Well not much to do today 'cept going to the dentist. I am getting a filling, YAY! (with a touch of sarcasm). I also need to run to the post office and get gas. Gas has gone up to $3.09 here. I can't believe it. It is CRAZY!!!! Almost makes you want to push your car off a cliff and ride a bus everywhere :) or walk :). Anywho, this week is going to go by soooo slowly, mainly because my family is coming to visit this weekend. You know how that goes, when you are looking forward to doing something time slows, but when you are kind of dreading it, the day is here before you know it! Tonight "Dancing With The Stars" comes on! I think this is the one right before the last, like tonight they dance, you vote and tomorrow night they announce the winner and its over. I love that show!!! So, does Hubby (though he won't admit to anyone) and Roo. It's a family show for us :).Well, off now to get some stuff done before my trip to the dentist.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Feeling Flustered
Well, My day was an average day. We went looking this weekend at camcorders and laptops. I have been cautious on being okay with getting either. My reason is because ever since Hubby got me an Mother's Day something got in the way of it working out completely (i.e. focus issues on the camcorder and no video card in the laptop). So, I felt like I was given "signs" not purchase either one. All the while Hubby was looking at it from the point that he has thought it through and decided he was going to and wanted to get them for me and the "problems" that came up were because of lack of research or paying attention to specifics. So, we went looking this weekend and all though we have decided what we are going to do, I am not going to say until a week or two from now, just so I don't end up putting my foot in my mouth. Other than that, My children have been at each other, Roo busted his lip in Best Buy because he couldn't listen and was messing with stuff he shouldn't.
I am just in a rut, after the battle over letting my Hubby do something nice for me and my children fighting, I feel completely disoriented. I miss my friends. Everything I do here to make friends and offer to have people bring their kiddos over fails EVERY TIME and I change ALOT of things and tried anything thing. I feel defeated and lonesome, I want that connection with other moms and my children to have playmates. We found out that where we are going school starts at age 4 and Roo will be four right as we arrive. I am excited for him and he is excited about going to school (we were going to put him in preschool to help him get use to a school environment and help the both of us to get use to the change) but it feels to soon. I thought I had another year before he was gone all day every day. So, I am a very emotinal person lately. My poor, poor Husband. Anyhoo, I am going to go and take care of dinner and night routines, just wanted to whine a bit :).
I am just in a rut, after the battle over letting my Hubby do something nice for me and my children fighting, I feel completely disoriented. I miss my friends. Everything I do here to make friends and offer to have people bring their kiddos over fails EVERY TIME and I change ALOT of things and tried anything thing. I feel defeated and lonesome, I want that connection with other moms and my children to have playmates. We found out that where we are going school starts at age 4 and Roo will be four right as we arrive. I am excited for him and he is excited about going to school (we were going to put him in preschool to help him get use to a school environment and help the both of us to get use to the change) but it feels to soon. I thought I had another year before he was gone all day every day. So, I am a very emotinal person lately. My poor, poor Husband. Anyhoo, I am going to go and take care of dinner and night routines, just wanted to whine a bit :).
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Did I Tell You or What?
Well, Like I said, we had to take back the laptop. Come to find out that Hubby was in such a hurry to surprise me and not have me aggravated because he came home like an hour late, that he forgot to check the video card and the place he got it from (ironically) doesn't have any video cards in ANY laptops! I wanted a video card so I can play WOW with him sometimes. Oh and Heros, I LOVE that game :). But we went looking today at Best Buy and think we found a good one, since we weren't rushed or anything. But we will see. I am not going to tell ANYONE if I get anything because I want to keep it :). My day was good all in all just went looking around and rented some movies to watch tonight. Hope you have a stress-free weekend.
Friday, May 18, 2007
The Rest of My Day.....,
So, I wrote about my dilemma. Then after that, I needed to run some errands (you know diapers and a few other little things) So, I decided to brave going out with my kids. Now you might say, "Why BRAVE going out with your kids, you only have 2, and you should be use to it by now." Well, My children, as of late, have been HORRIBLE, screaming, yelling, kids, you know the ones when you hear them in the store you are glad aren't yours? Well, thats what mine have turned into. My oldest, LOVED going places, anywhere that wasn't home, he was EXTREMELY well-behaved. So, that spoiled me. Now, no matter how that day is going, if I leave the house, they start off good but half-way through the store, they start (like clock-work!). I don't even know anyone I can get to babysit so I can run the errands, and when Hubby gets home, I could but I like spending SOME time with him.So, we arrived at the first store, they start good, the start screaming for food (which they JUST ate before we left) So, I go home, without getting anything done.
I also watched the season finale of "Grey's Anatomy". I don't know where the writers are going with it but, I don't know if I like it.Then Gus Gus was "up my butt" the whole night, since weaning has taken place he has become an EXTREME mama's boy, which I do love but when I have a bad day like the one I was having, I feel overwhelmed with all the "hold me" , "I just want mama" attention and it also makes it hard for Hubby because Gus Gus becomes inconsolable by anyone but me. I try to remind myself that it's because Gus Gus thinks the world of me and loves me and just wants to be around me because of the lack of bonding the breastfeeding gives us. Then as I remind myself I feel really guilty for wanting him to "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR A FEW MINUTES!" and as a result makes me feel even worse! But it's a daily battle, I am trying so hard to win. It just seems lately that I have been losing ABUNDANTLY.
Then yesterday evening, as I was cooking spaghetti, the boys were screaming, just loud, I was trying to do a cars for my Hubby, because he has been so great this last 2 weeks at all the "stuff" I have thrown at him and left him to do. He has been a GREAT sport about it, loving carring, supportive, understanding, and didn't make me feel like I was a horrible person (which I was by the way). Well, the card got messed up with all the noise and aggravation around me, I felt bed enough already and when my nice gesture got ruined (I gave it to him and he LOVED it anyway) My morale hit rock bottom.So, by the time he actually made it home I was crying and the kids were screaming and I was trying NOT to burn dinner! He walks through the door with, a LAPTOP!!! He wanted to surprise me since my camcorder didn't work out. All I could do was cry MORE (I know not the best reaction). But, he is pretty confident in the quality of the one he got, he just said we have 30 days to try it and if it doesn't work out, we can return it. I wasn't going to tell ANYONE about it (cause the way my luck has been going lately) I figured I would have to return it. Hopefully, I won't though :)
So, I have a WONDERFUL husband, CHALLENGING children, and all in all a GREAT family :).
I also watched the season finale of "Grey's Anatomy". I don't know where the writers are going with it but, I don't know if I like it.Then Gus Gus was "up my butt" the whole night, since weaning has taken place he has become an EXTREME mama's boy, which I do love but when I have a bad day like the one I was having, I feel overwhelmed with all the "hold me" , "I just want mama" attention and it also makes it hard for Hubby because Gus Gus becomes inconsolable by anyone but me. I try to remind myself that it's because Gus Gus thinks the world of me and loves me and just wants to be around me because of the lack of bonding the breastfeeding gives us. Then as I remind myself I feel really guilty for wanting him to "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR A FEW MINUTES!" and as a result makes me feel even worse! But it's a daily battle, I am trying so hard to win. It just seems lately that I have been losing ABUNDANTLY.
Then yesterday evening, as I was cooking spaghetti, the boys were screaming, just loud, I was trying to do a cars for my Hubby, because he has been so great this last 2 weeks at all the "stuff" I have thrown at him and left him to do. He has been a GREAT sport about it, loving carring, supportive, understanding, and didn't make me feel like I was a horrible person (which I was by the way). Well, the card got messed up with all the noise and aggravation around me, I felt bed enough already and when my nice gesture got ruined (I gave it to him and he LOVED it anyway) My morale hit rock bottom.So, by the time he actually made it home I was crying and the kids were screaming and I was trying NOT to burn dinner! He walks through the door with, a LAPTOP!!! He wanted to surprise me since my camcorder didn't work out. All I could do was cry MORE (I know not the best reaction). But, he is pretty confident in the quality of the one he got, he just said we have 30 days to try it and if it doesn't work out, we can return it. I wasn't going to tell ANYONE about it (cause the way my luck has been going lately) I figured I would have to return it. Hopefully, I won't though :)
So, I have a WONDERFUL husband, CHALLENGING children, and all in all a GREAT family :).
Thursday, May 17, 2007
What To Do?
Well, my day has went pretty well. Last night me and Hubby ran into a dilemma: My camcorder has a focus problem, so we took it back and the one we were going to get this guy right in front of us bought the last one and they aren't sure when they are going to get more in. So, Hubby told me that since that was my Mother's Day then I get to pick what I want in place of it, either wait and get another camcorder or a laptop (since the one I have is wigging out BAD) well, also my other options are a new TV (nothing big just something that works when we hook up out dvd player to it) and we could use another dvd player. So, my dilemma is picking which one!!! I know HOW many people would LOVE this problem? But I am wondering if the camcorder mess up was a way of telling me we should wait. We are FINALLY getting our bills in line and slowly getting out of debt. So I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! HELP!!!! Anywho,thats pretty much it!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Well, My day has not gone close to the way I planned. I have been trying to set up a playgroup, for the last 2 times I have scheduled it, several people want to come but never do! Plus it was rainy which I love when it rains, but in some small hope someone would come, I stayed in. I guess I am feeling EXTREMELY anxious, My family is coming to visit in a couple of weeks, then next month hubby's family is coming, then HOPEFULLY our close friends will be able to. I am ready to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING!! When we have visitors I definitely get to do something!!! Plus as a "reward" for weaning, my mom is getting me a tattoo! I'm excited!!! Anyway, I am just bored. Hubby came home for lunch and brought me my discs for my camcorder! So, I am going to play with that, but the kiddos are being bad and taking my possible moments I could record and spending that time in timeout and disobeying. Anywho, I am trying SO hard not to lose my patience. I love them though. Oh, I am helping hubby get a character leveled up in WOW, I am having fun!!! I don't play regularly, and I am only "good" at doing the quests, and thats what he needs now, then he will pick up for the raiding. I haven't gotten that far, I am curious to do a raid but, from what he tells me you have to have ALOT of people to do one a work together and it just seems alot to me, maybe one of these days I will try it. Anywho, all for today, I hope your day is going better :).
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The Next Day..,
Ok. so I boasted on how well yesterday went and I think I jinxed myself!!! Or they kids overheard me and decided to "prove me wrong" because today they have yelled, fought, and time-outs upon time-outs, and Roo has started fighting to watch TV. But it has been a good day, just trying on my patience and nerves. I am doing my best :).
Tonight I plan on watching the SEASON FINALE of "Gilmore Girls"!! I can't believe it's over already!!! I feel like I have just gotten into it :(. After I will be seeing who got voted off of "Dancing With The Stars " . I can't help it I am ADDICTED to that show!!! I missed the actual dancing last night (had to run an errand) But thanks to abc having all their shows online so you can watch when you miss one, I haven't missed anything!!!! Anywho, I have a few things to do (hopefully get some discs for my camcorder), then dinner, then my shows, I want to cry, i am going to miss "Gilmore Girls". I got hook at our last home, because our closest friends, we would switch who's house went to on Tuesdays and have dinner and watched together! I miss that, and now I won't even have the show :( But I am getting all of them on DVD!!! I have all but the 6th season, and then I have to get this one when it is released, I know I'm a dork!!!
Tonight I plan on watching the SEASON FINALE of "Gilmore Girls"!! I can't believe it's over already!!! I feel like I have just gotten into it :(. After I will be seeing who got voted off of "Dancing With The Stars " . I can't help it I am ADDICTED to that show!!! I missed the actual dancing last night (had to run an errand) But thanks to abc having all their shows online so you can watch when you miss one, I haven't missed anything!!!! Anywho, I have a few things to do (hopefully get some discs for my camcorder), then dinner, then my shows, I want to cry, i am going to miss "Gilmore Girls". I got hook at our last home, because our closest friends, we would switch who's house went to on Tuesdays and have dinner and watched together! I miss that, and now I won't even have the show :( But I am getting all of them on DVD!!! I have all but the 6th season, and then I have to get this one when it is released, I know I'm a dork!!!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Pretty Good Day
Today has been a wonderful day. I decided last night to make a "schedule" to go by and I went by it surprisingly well! I was off a bit for estimating how long it takes for some things, but I accomplished my goals!
My goals were to get Roo distracted from begging/fighting to watch TV and I got to spend most of my day WITH them instead of fighting to do other stuff and just watching them.We went on 2 walks and I was able to do a little more around the house than I normally do! I will be doing this more often! I feel accomplished and like I spent time with them.
My goals were to get Roo distracted from begging/fighting to watch TV and I got to spend most of my day WITH them instead of fighting to do other stuff and just watching them.We went on 2 walks and I was able to do a little more around the house than I normally do! I will be doing this more often! I feel accomplished and like I spent time with them.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
Well, I woke up this morning to a hot cup of coffee (which I love) and an egg sandwich my hubby made, and my two boys excitedly exclaiming "Happy Mother's Day!" while waving a card from the three of them!!! I got up and ate my breakfast, Hubby went out and got my the Sunday paper (which I get EVERY Sunday for the sales paper, gotta love Target!) and a BOUQUET OF FLOWERS!!!! I love it!!!! Such a surprise! Then my little ones come with ANOTHER gift, a DVD CAMCORDER!!!!!!!! I have been wanting one for awhile!!!
One of hubby's friends came by and gave me a rose (which NEVER happens to me). Hubby said it was because me and his girlfriends mom are the only moms he knows. I felt special!We also made our numerous phone calls and just hung out around the house. I got to watch a "girlie" movie "Music and Lyrics" which was pretty good. We also finished our dragon-shaped puzzle and found that we are missing ONE piece! So frustrating!!! But it looks good, not really noticeable.
My day finished with LOTS of cuddles and kisses from my Gus Gus. I have noticed over the past week, just how cuddly my little one has gotten, I believe it's because ALL week he has not nursed. I am a little sad, I am missing that. He asks sometimes, for it, and Hubby is GREAT at stepping in and distracting and getting him to sleep. The times when Hubby isn't here, I found that it helps when I walk him around, he wraps those little arms around my neck and clings to me the whole time, then I feel his little body relax completely as he falls asleep. I cherish this as our replacement for the closeness of nursing. So, that is my day. I hope all has had a WONDERFUL day!!!
One of hubby's friends came by and gave me a rose (which NEVER happens to me). Hubby said it was because me and his girlfriends mom are the only moms he knows. I felt special!We also made our numerous phone calls and just hung out around the house. I got to watch a "girlie" movie "Music and Lyrics" which was pretty good. We also finished our dragon-shaped puzzle and found that we are missing ONE piece! So frustrating!!! But it looks good, not really noticeable.
My day finished with LOTS of cuddles and kisses from my Gus Gus. I have noticed over the past week, just how cuddly my little one has gotten, I believe it's because ALL week he has not nursed. I am a little sad, I am missing that. He asks sometimes, for it, and Hubby is GREAT at stepping in and distracting and getting him to sleep. The times when Hubby isn't here, I found that it helps when I walk him around, he wraps those little arms around my neck and clings to me the whole time, then I feel his little body relax completely as he falls asleep. I cherish this as our replacement for the closeness of nursing. So, that is my day. I hope all has had a WONDERFUL day!!!
Labels: My Day
Saturday, May 12, 2007
More Puzzle doing....
Well, not too much going on, we are continuing to put together our puzzle. I love doing it!!! I can't wait till its finished!!! I will (hopefully) have figured out how tp post pics and I will post it when we are done.
Roo has a tv game, its the vtech one, well he got it for Christmas and only started playing last month (a bad on us, we didn't hook it up and we were going all around too). He had played my little brothers when we visited, but other than that hasn't played. He beat one of the games!!! He only played for about 15 minutes total. I was soo proud!!! I mean its for his level too and it is characters he is familiar with (the Backyardagians) . My hubby was amazed, he kept saying "Did you see him? He beat that level! He is so smart!". It helps to know that my hubby LOVES computer and video games, so you can understand the "Thats My Boy!!" that he felt.
Well, I really don't have much more to post, 'cept an early: "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the moms".
Roo has a tv game, its the vtech one, well he got it for Christmas and only started playing last month (a bad on us, we didn't hook it up and we were going all around too). He had played my little brothers when we visited, but other than that hasn't played. He beat one of the games!!! He only played for about 15 minutes total. I was soo proud!!! I mean its for his level too and it is characters he is familiar with (the Backyardagians) . My hubby was amazed, he kept saying "Did you see him? He beat that level! He is so smart!". It helps to know that my hubby LOVES computer and video games, so you can understand the "Thats My Boy!!" that he felt.
Well, I really don't have much more to post, 'cept an early: "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the moms".
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Not Much Going On...,
Well, It has been a few days (sorry still trying to be consistent). Yesterday, My hubby and I started a puzzle. I have forgotten how much fun putting together a puzzle can be!! We haven't done 1/4 of it yet, it is 1000 pieces and in the shape of a dragon, I have to say it is pretty cool. It will be AWESOME when we finish. Also, today, I found out I have to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth surgically removed, costing me about $1100, along with a filling around $100 and my son needs some dental costing $113 all those amounts are OUT OF POCKET, meaning after Insurance "pays" (not much if you ask me, but what can you do?). On top of other things, like selling our van (which I found out isn't likely) and needing a bed (my mom is bringing one when she visits but that won't be till the end of the month, we are sleeping on an air mattress, which is KILLING my back and neck). Anywho, that is pretty much the goings on these past 2 days. Sorry not more exciting or indepth! I am tired and going to reluctantly retire to THE most uncomfortable bed I can remember sleeping on :). Good night!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Being MIA..,
Well, I have been MIA. We went out of town for a couple of weeks and that threw my schedule and routine off. But we are back now. I have only been back for 2 days and already, gotten over a virus (my husband too) and had my oldest get gum stuck in his hair! I couldn't believe it! He is 3 1/2 and has already had his first hair cut due to gum!!! I could have removed it but I didn't want to mess with any mayo or whatever could help remove it, and I just didn't want to cut out the gum, so I gave him 2 options, let me take clippers and give him a buzz cut (which he is a boy and its HOT outside) or go to the barbershop and let them fix it so he can keep as much of his hair as possible (he was TERRIFIED the last time we took him and didn't get it done). He decided to go, (there is a story to why he decided to go which I will tell in just a second) We took him and he was skiddish at first but, did GREAT! My youngest gave in and got a trim too! I was so proud!!!!
Now for the reason:
On our last day visiting my husbands' family everyone came to see the kids, including Granny. My oldest likes to play fight (I have the Power Rangers and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to thank). Well, needless to say Granny got caught in the middle (now Granny is "old" but ALOT sturdier than most) Well, she lost her wig, (Yes Wig) and so, Roo has been obsessed with seeing whose hair is "loose". So, he wanted to keep as much of his hair as possible!
Now for the reason:
On our last day visiting my husbands' family everyone came to see the kids, including Granny. My oldest likes to play fight (I have the Power Rangers and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to thank). Well, needless to say Granny got caught in the middle (now Granny is "old" but ALOT sturdier than most) Well, she lost her wig, (Yes Wig) and so, Roo has been obsessed with seeing whose hair is "loose". So, he wanted to keep as much of his hair as possible!