My Private Getaway

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Getting Ready for School

Well this week has been getting Roo all ready to start school. Monday we went to register him, yesterday (Wednesday) we had an appointment to meet his teacher, she seems really nice, and after we went to let him pick out a backpack. He was on :cloud9:, just short of skipping through the mall while we looked at every place that has a backpack!! He really wanted a Transformer one with Bumblebee (the yellow one) on it, but the place we had found it at was sold out of it, so he settled for a Diego and Dora and also found a matching lunch box, snack container, and a thermos. We also had to buy "indoor" shoes that stay at school, he was SOO happy when we found some Pokemon shoes (last pair in his size!) for my benefit they were on clearance!

Little boys are so special!!! I have no idea where the new interest in Pokemon came from, I think he might have seen the cartoon once like a month ago and thats all!!! Roo has such a wide range of things he likes..., from Dora/Diego, Doodlebops, Curious George, to Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles, Transformers, and now possibly Pokemon!!It's hard to keep up, though by the time I get this all down, he will have moved onto something else.

Well, we have the move in all sorted out, I called yesterday left a message for the storage guy that we are coming Friday after lunch and if that doesn't work call me, well I haven't heard anything, so as far as we are concerned It's on!!!! I get to pick up the keys to the house today!!!!! I also have my phone turned on Friday so I can call everyone in the U.S. with unlimited long distance (that covers the U.S.). So, here is the waring to any friends and family reading.., I will be calling!!!!!! I am happy about that!!! I won't be disconnected from the world now :). Allrighty have a GREAT day!!!! I will talk to you soon!!!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

We Registered Roo

Well, we registered Roo yesterday. Now all we have to do is get some shots that he is due for and he is good to go. The principle took us to see his classroom and complimented us on how well behaved our boys were and was REALLY surprised that they were polite! What better compliments can a mother get? I just hope Roo can keep it up :). Roo is excited! His teacher is suppose to get in touch with the parents so we can meet her and such. Wulf and I are anxious to see how Roo will do once it gets started.

Not much new, we are going through so much RIDICULOUS stuff just trying to set up to get our stuff from storage. I am so mad st the storage owner, he actually suggested that we rent a moving truck just to get our stuff out in one trip (well we can't afford to do that!!!!!). Plus we use our van..., we make a couple of trips but it gets done. He just doesn't want to have to be there while we are getting our stuff!!!! Anyway, enough about that.

I am SO tired everyday no matter what I do I am exhausted right around/after noon!!!!! What is wrong with me!!!!!!? It's aggravating!!! I have been taking vitamins, so I dunno. Anywho, I am going to get me some coffee and figure out what I need to do today. Have a good day!!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Where We Spend All Our Time

I haven't been as good as I was on posting regularly, that's all thanks to the "school" we found. I must admit it has been wonderful to bring the boys there and have them wear themselves out. Plus, it has cut back on the fighting between them. When Wulf gets home..., the boys want to tell daddy about what they did that day and spend some time with him and they are content to play, watch a show, all without hardly yelling and fighting!!! Our only battle now is getting Roo away from watching Wulf play WoW and into bed a bit earlier. But no real complaints!

I am still trying to decide what to do as far as Roo and school. The school don't open till next week for registration, so I cannot go and look at it or talk to the teachers and such. I think about it and part of me welcomes the break (by Roo being in school) and the other part doesn't want him to go because I am so use to having my little boy home and with me all the time. As I weigh the pros and cons, I am split down the middle. I wish someone would tell me the effects in the long run of both so I can make the decision that way :). It's so hard being a parent, but just as equally wonderful!

Oh well, I am going to have to hurry and get them ready to go to the center/"school" because they are beginning to start in on each other. Have a wonderful day!!!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

I Found A Great Place

When I ran my errands the other day..., I was told of a place I can take my boys that is FREE and they are setup up with toys and activities!!!! The following day I took them, it was GREAT!!!! Not only did it cut back on teh fighting and not listening, they get to do so much hands on stuff and learn with other children around, not to mention I get to talk to other moms! So, needless to say, thats where I have been everyday (also why I haven't gotten to post). Roo calls it his "school". It is cute :).

Also this weekend I have been hauling Wulf and the boys out trying to find pants and a light jacket for the kiddos. That search was very frustrating! I did mange to find a couple of pair for what I like to call a "decent" price, and a light jacket as well. I also found them their Halloween costumes, which I found for about half of what I would normally pay. I also bought some of those grocery bags that are made of recycled material, so I am trying to get ahead before the moving in hits and the money we will have to spend on washer and dryer and getting essentials for food and what not.

Not much has been going on just kinda waiting for the 1st and taking the boys to their "school" everyday wears us out a bit. I am still trying to figure out the whole phone thing..., Should I get a cell phone? Should I wait till the optimum company expands to our area before getting home phone, internet, cable? Or go with the one who has a rep of bad customer service? Its crazy, they have a couple of companies to choose from, but not enough to start a competition. So, the consumers don't get that great of a deal. Coming from the U.S. where it's all about getting more for less and finding deals, it is a step back here where you get what you get for the price THEY want to put on it. Down to the banks, there is no free checking here every account (including savings) has a monthly fee which at some banks can be up to $25! Ok, done complaining :). Have a great day! I hope mine is good since their "school" is closed today, but we will see :).

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Just Errands

Well, Today, I have errands to run. I have to go and get Roo's immunization chart looked over to make sure he is up-to-date for the school systems here, also have to get their medical charts transferred to their current doctor. I probably should shop around and start pricing washer and dryers, maybe even dishwashers. I haven't figured out if I am willing to wait a little bit on getting a dishwasher or not, I REALLY love how well they clean the little, hard-to-get places on sippie cups. I also need to figure out a bank for here, since our rent and utilities are going to be Canadian currency and it will be easier to write checks or doing cashier's checks than having to withdrawal the cash all the time.

It is getting closer and closer!!!! Not only do we move into the house the first week of September, I have school registration for Roo the last week of August! One thing that perturbs me is that you can't get a school supply list before then, since this is all new to me, I have NO idea what to get!!!! It's going to be CRAZY that week of registration because thats when EVERYONE gets the list and will be out shopping, and the stock will run out fast! I might result in ordering offline. Who knows?!

The past 2 days my boys have been hellish. I don't know what it is but they seem to push my buttons constantly all day and then hit up me and Wulf, once he gets home. I am at teh end of my wits!!! I have taen them to the pool, read to them, gotten Roo to start tracing some letter's (which he enjoys), and anythign else I can think of but NOTHING is working!!! They are disobeying constantly and I am trying really hard not to lose my patience, and I have to admit yesterday I did (I am not proud of that at all). I spent part of the day crying because I am lost at what to do. I put them in time out, separate them, explain why we can't hit, etc..., It has gotten me nowhere!

Well, enough complaining, I need to get everything ready to complete my errands! Hope your day is better!! Oh, and that mine gets better :).

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Gus Gus' Birthday

Sunday was my Gus Gus' 2nd birthday.

He picked out a Diego cake.

We went to see Seussical, which is a play of almost if not all the Dr. Seuss books in one storyline with quite a bit of songs. It was REALLY good. I recommend anyone if they have a chance to go and see it if you are able to.It was a wonderful day!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

We Found A House!!!

I am soo happy!!!! We found a house!!!! Our search is over!!!!! I couldn't ask for a more perfect house!!!!Just wanted to share!!! Hubby and I treated our selves in celebration...., He got Guitar Hero 2 and DDR (that was four the both of us) and I got 2 pairs of REALLY cute mary jane-like heels, I LOVE them!!!Oh, and Tiffany had her baby..., it's a boy!!!! check out my link to her page and she has a pic up. Have a great weekend!!!


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Still Nothing New

We went to look at yet another house last night. It looked nice on the outside, had a fenced in yard as well, the only bad thing about it......, It was already rented!!! The lady told us right after we arrived, at 9 'o clock at night!!!! I couldn't believe our luck!!! I bet it was pretty on the inside, just because we couldn't get it! Anyway, thats over with, nothing I can do about it.

I called my friend, Tiffany last night. I surprised her!!!! Though we were only able to talk for a few minutes, it was nice to be on the phone instead of only through chat online. I was told by Wulf. after he got off of WOW, that they (Tiffany and her family) were expecting to have her baby last night/today. but I haven't heard anything further. IT'S KILLING ME!!!!!!! I want to know even if she is in labor, but I dare not call, I will just wait!!! I do hope to get some news soon.

Well, nothing new, just a almost 2 year-old wanting to soak everything in water or sprite! I am so tired of it!!! I want to buy shelves and install them in the hotel room to put everything on!!!! I don't know why hotels insist on having everything toddler height and short for adults!!!!! It doesn't make sense to me! Anyway, I am going to await a phone call or email :). Have a good day!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Getting Excited

I have had a Wonderful four day weekend with Wulf. Today I have been setting up our Christmas exchange with my family and have I am getting really excited!!!!! I LOVE Christmas and doing the shopping. I am ready to begin getting my gifts. Especially since I am going to have to ship them this year!

I am also looking forward to this weekend! Sunday is Gus Gus' birthday and we are getting his and Roo's birthday pictures taken and we are going to see Seussical!!!! I can't wait. I love birthdays and holidays and shopping and gifts (as if you couldn't tell already!!!!)

Oh, I FINALLY caught my friend Tiffany on! But conversation was cut short because her little one bumped her head really good and she needed to go tend to her.

Anywho. Just wanted to say Hi and that I was excited!!!! Have a good day!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

We Splurged

Sunday we didn't do alot. We had lunch at the mall, looked around at some of the stores, and we decided since we had some extra money and have been really good since we have been here and can't really do anything, we splurged and I got Wulf an XBOX 360 (it's for his birthday, just a little earlier). We then went to Blockbuster and rented a few games and a movie. We haven't had a chance to play it yet, he got on WOW and played and I watched the movie I rented, "Miss Potter" I liked it. I am now going to go and buy her books for my kids.

Roo has also popped up with a new interest..., his bones and muscles! He seen a poster when we took Gus Gus to the doctor and he asked about it and it has been questions ever since. He will tell you (an idea) where your bones and muscles are. He has told Gus Gus (when he was told to sit down in the bath or he will fall) Roo piped up and added "Yeah or you will break your bones"! We have never said that. Also, I had a very interesting conversation with him that went something like this:

Me: ::I smacked his forehead:: "what about your bone?"
Roo: ::while pointing to his head:: "my bones aren't there, they are here" ::pointing to his arm:: "and my muscles are here" ::squeezing his arm::
Me: "ok, then, but what protects your brain?"
Roo: "JELLY"!!!!!

Still a boy nonetheless :). I laughed so hard!!!Now I have to find a book on your bones and muscles, that has pictures and I can somewhat read to him where he understands. I love when he finds something new to be curious about and I want to help him as much as I can to find out all he can on the subject.

Wulf is off today as well, a Canadian holiday, we plan on finally breaking in the XBOX 360 and watching some movies, just relax. Have a good day!!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Family Day

We didn't go back to the festival, instead we walked downtown. I was soo much fun! They also have something going on for the holiday, they had shops set up some of their sale items on the sidewalk and they had hot dog stands, snack stands, and bands or karaoke set up all along downtown. So, we got to explore the shops and just spend the day out walking and enjoying the day, which was BEAUTIFUL!!! Not a cloud in the sky, breezy, and just warm/hot enough!!!!! We were there for hours!!!!! The boys enjoyed it! I also got ideas for family and friends for gifts! They have a store with all this neat stuff for kids in it ranging from all ages! Stuff for you to build, make, and teach them. Anything from scientific to animals to just plain fun!!!!! I love that store. They even have a section in the back with school stuff for classroom teachers, from workbooks to educational games to the classroom borders and decorations!!! We also found a game shop, which Wulf was happy about, they have RPG's te books and the miniatures, and best of all MUNCHKIN!!!!!! Wulf bought both expansions of Munchkin Bites! Needless to say we will be going back. I love outings like that!

We also went to drive by and look at a house, but an hour and a half later, we STILL could not find it!!!! I do have one thing to say about the housing here, they have house numbers (for the address) and the lot numbers, clearly posted both of them side by side or top and bottom, so it makes it harder to figure out an address!!!! Not only that but they have a very weird system to numbering their lots! They will put lot #68 right beside lot #82 and the numbers in between are nowhere to be found!!!!!! It makes it all the more confusing, Wulf thinks they used a 2 or 3 year old to number them :). Anyway! It was a wonderful day!!!!!!

Friday, August 3, 2007

We Had Fun Today

Today Wulf was off of work and come to find out he is also off Monday, Canadian Civic Holiday, which is nice. We took Gus Gus to the doctor, he has had a sore in his mouth and his gums were really red on the top. They gave him an antibiotic to take for a week and is referring us to a pediatrician, to look at a small heart murmur that he "apparently" has. They are not too worried about it, they said it usually corrects itself (I'm not that worried because I had one and so did Wulf and they corrected on their own) but they want them to look at it and monitor it just in case they want to do an echo to see if the cause is because it's too tight or too loose.

After the doctor we went and looked at yet another house to rent, it was ok, just looked run down, we will have to keep it in mind.

After that we went by the lake where they have the festival set up and checked it out. It had games and rides, pretty much what we call a fair. We rode on the little roller coaster with both boys and on this super slide thing (it was fun!!!!). We let the boys play the duck game and they got a stuffed animal each and we took home a JUMBO cotton candy bag. We plan on going back tomorrow and spending most of the day and let the boys ride every ride that they can.

Before we came back we walked across the street and finally took the boys to the lake! They LOVED it. We took off their shoes and they stood on the bank and let the water rush over their feet, they laughed, I took a few pics, and little Gus Gus fell on his bottom right in the water, so he left wet! It was very nice and enjoyable!!! I just wish one of the pics I took of the both of them came out, though I have plenty of Gus Gus bending down and putting his hands in the wet sand. All in all a great day..., now if only I can catch Tiffany online!!!!!!! I have been dying to chat with her and Wulf is constantly watching for Proudfoot to log on WOW! We are bored!!!! We miss them too. Even though catching either one on right now is pretty much not going to happen since she has her mom and sister visiting and is ready to pop baby #4 out anytime second (seriously!) Ok, 'nuf said! ADIOS!!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Nothing New

I hate blah days, blah feeling, blah anything. I want exciting days and stuff to experience and tell/talk about, and so far, there hasn't been anything. We arrived in Canada and......., that it's! I have been locked up in the hotel because of a cold, and no leads on a place to live. I am going crazy! I thought about it and I could scrapbook, if the room had another table, but it doesn't, and I can't salvage the one we have because Hubby has the computer on it and the internet cable doesn't reach farther then that table. Now that I think about it, I could see if Wulf (Hubby, i got tired of saying hubby so, that is his gaming name and I will use that from now on) would get my folding table out of storage and I could use that the only question now is..., Where to put it? Dilemmas, dilemmas! I would go to the library, but we have to have an address first, thats not going to happen anytime soon :). The only other thing I could do is explore, which I wouldn't mind doing, 'cept I was sick, and I haven't gotten Wulf to switch teh car seats over, teh car gets better gas mileage and the van still has some stuff from the move in it, both are very dirty and need to be washed and vacuumed out. We have been somewhat lazy because of being sick and tiring days at work, now that I am feeling better, I am reading to get on the ball and get stuff done (so, I can feel like I am accomplishing something).

One thing that I have find out, the base here is small, just necessities, and no "family" stuff goes on or get-togethers, now that makes the whole connecting with people harder! One person Wulf works with has 2 kids and wants to have a party once we find a place, I wish they would just go ahead and do it now while we are stuck in a room with nothing to do (unless you count checking a website and newspapers for houses/apartments for rent, that never show up) when if they wait until we get a place, we are busy moving stuff from storage, unpacking, and putting our house together.Makes more sense to me, don't you agree?

Well, i hope to have pics and exciting outing to write about soon, just hope this cold goes away and stays away! I hate being sick!!!:)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

August 1,2007

I have been checking myspace, sending/replying to emails, waiting for someone to log on, and checking to see if my friend has posted anything new on her blog (which she hasn't). SO, the only thing that makes this day special or unique for us is it's my youngest sisters birthday!!!! She turns 15 today. I am waiting and waiting for my mom to call so I can wish her a "Happy Birthday"! She is the sister in the water boat pics I posted a little while ago. I can't believe how fast time goes by, I still remember her as the 8 year old playing with barbies and pretending her dog was a baby and carrying it around, putting in a stroller. Now she is able to get her driver's permit! Next year ahe will be driving!!!! I feel like I missed something between the then 8 year old and the now 15 year old!!!! I am proud of her though!!!

I have also found out that my Hubby LOVES his job here! I am glad for that, his last station, he got bored and had to put up with stupid stuff. Not to say after being here for a while there won't be anything "stupid" to put up with, but the newness and getting to know everyone and the job he will be doing is something different and he is getting the hang of things! I just hope this job will keep being something he enjoys and the down days aren't TOO terrible }=^P.

I am happy to say that my boys aren't being THAT horrible today!!!! Finally a little break :). I just hope I didn't jinx it }=^P. Have a wonderful day!!!!!!