My Private Getaway

Sunday, October 28, 2007

You Are Pecan Pie Soda

Sweet, but totally nuts

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Well, I have only been in Canada for 3 (almost 4) months and I have had some experiences and challenges that I haven't had to face before, let me tell you a bit about them.

I have had a Pampered Chef party that totaled $400 and so I was able to get quite a few things cheap and free!! Not such a REALLY unusual thing, but it is for me :)!

I actually have quite a few girls I can call friends and can hang out with at any given day!! I am WAAAY excited about that!!! I have been really shy growing up, pretty much all my life, so getting out there and talking and making these connections has been wonderful!!

I have a church I go to, which there isn't really anything "special" or particular about it, I just feel refreshed and filled after the services, I have never really had that before, and I tell you it is GREAT!!! I really feel God's presence in my life like never before! Just telling you about it is making my insides jump and scream PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!

I also have been going to a Bible study from said church, it is on the book of Daniel, it is a Beth Moore video lessons and I tell you it is really eye opening!! I am excited for the videos and the group not to mention the homework in between!! I am getting my earful of the Word and I am LOVING it!!!! Now it's just implementing it into my life and LIVING it!!! Which I will need your prayers, it's hard stuff in this time!!!

I have heard my pastor say that we live in a time where you look to not offending anyone; you don't want to offend a person with how you live or what you believe to make it more comfortable for that other person; but in doing that...., they are offending you and making it uncomfortable to BE a Christian. Isn't that crazy?! I have never thought of that before!!! It opens my eyes to so much..., why worry about making them comfortable and not offend them when they are more than ready to offend my faith and my God and make it uncomfortable for me? Now if only those hypocrites would stop giving us a bad name....., but that is just another obstacle we REAL and TRUE Christians face. I hate that I am suppose to be perfect because I am a Christian and people often smirk when they see a Christian make a mistake and then on think ALL Christians are hypocrites because we are human and make mistakes but through the salvation and love of Jesus we take our sins to him and are forgiven!!! That doesn't make what we did right...., but we have the chance to learn and through guidance from our Father overcome whatever obstacles.

Okay, don't mean to sound preachy and I don't want to, but I wanted to blog what was on my heart and in my mind. So, don't take offense.

I have also had a few obstacles thrown my way that have been out of my comfort zone spiritually, though I haven't figured out how God is going to use this and in what I am to learn from it has not been shown to me yet, but once I know I will tell you about it.

I am still doing the Creative Memories thing, I need to do more to catch up on my scrapbooking, I hope to do well with it! I love scrapbooking but as you can tell from above, I have had my hands, heart, mind, and body busy with all sorts of experiences and situations and just...., Life!

Till next time!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Karamel Sutra

You Are Karamel Sutra

Plain on the outside, but once someone gets in, they're stuck
What Your Hands Say About You

You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills.

Bold and daring, you're not afraid to change your life if you think it needs an overhaul.

Practical and down to earth, you're a doer not a dreamer. You rather get something done than think about it all day.

Your emotions tend to be well though out. You're willing to wait out a bad situation, and you're never too quick to act.

Does This Sound Like Me?

You Are Rouge Red

Of all the reds, you are the most energetic and vibrant.
You never need to recharge, and in fact, you often recharge others.
Gutsy and brave, you've never let your fears stop you from doing anything.
You figure that life is all about experiences, and you'll always take that leap of faith.