My Private Getaway

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My Tuesday...,

I went to the doctor on Monday for something I have been "having problems" with for a long time, I have tried numerous things to solve it but to no avail. The doctor I seen then made me an appointment with an OB, thankfully (because it is sort of a "down there" location). So, I went on Tuesday morning, thinking they could look and magically tell me what it is and how to get rid of it. To be a little more specific, it is between my "areas" but not IN them, it is like a heat rash, little red bumps, but they are irritating and sometimes are itchy, and hurt like broken skin, ok sorry for the TMI just trying to give you and idea. Well, while examining me, the doctor ask (thankfully the doc was female!!!) she ask how long I have had "this mole here?" (ok, number 1, honestly, I don't look at myself there!) So, I tell her I don't know, but coincidentally, it was right in the main irritated spot!!!! So, they took a biopsy, for those who don't know exactly what that is, they cut out some of the area and send it off to a lab and stitch the area!!! I wasn't originally worried, but after thinking about it I think they took part of the mole, so its starting to freak me out! Among trying to use the bathroom and clean myself! It's horrible, I walk funny!!! It hurts to!!! Anyway, I go back to get the stitch(es) removed next week, have to have it for a week, along with Hubby's family visiting and my own Mom coming the day before I get it out. So, you can imagine!!!

Along with that, my children have decided to be deliberately disobedient, Gus Gus will look at me with this look like "Go ahead and run after me!, I know you can't!" I just want to tie them in one place so, they can't get into trouble. Gus Gus also likes to pick on Roo and he does, it is nothing but Roo running around yelling "He's going to hit me!" or "He's trying to bite me!" I CAN"T TAKE IT!!!!! I am going outta my mind!!!

I was hoping this post would be one about the visit we had with our friends, but depending on how long I can comfortable sit here and how bad I hurt myself running after kids, I will TRY to make it my next post! Oh, by the way, I didn't know how much you used your bottom areas when you yelled, till now!!!! Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Our Friends Have Left the State :(

Well, our visit with the Millers from Colorado Springs, has come to an end. They left this morning. It was a wonderful visit!!! Our children occupied each other and our Hubby's played endlessly on the computer and myself and Mrs. Miller relaxed on the couch, read magazines, books, watched some TV, yelled at the kids and our husbands, napped, talked and played some Yatzhee!!! It was so nice, whether we did something or not. I have "friends" here that I talk to but Tiffany is one of the few friends I have that it nourishes my soul when we hang out, I guess it has something to do with the fact that we can read, sleep, and not HAVE to entertain the whole time without offending. I have to say my soul was in DESPERATE need of nourishing before they arrived and though it has been, I am extremely sad of the fact they have to go back to their home. We had some good times, I will be posting some of the cute things the kids did and some pics later but right now in my sorrowful state, I am only obligating myself to having chocolate, a long bubble bath and endless screenings of Pride and Prejudice (the A&E one that is 6 hours long, don't be a pansy and fall to liking the shorter versions, you are seriously missing out!) until I feel comforted enough to go about my daily hassles and routines with our visitors!!!! Hope all had a good week. I am going to sulk!

Friday, June 15, 2007

YAY! They Are On Thier Way!!!

Our friends are officially on their way!!! They had some obstacles that tried to get in the way but thankfully, all came through!!! My WHOLE family has been looking forward to their visit. It is nice that within the same family I have a friend, my Hubby has a friend, and my almost 4 year old, Roo has a friend!!! That is CRAZY!!! Gus Gus just watches their little Sunshine and comments with a smile "Baby!".

Earlier yesterday twice actually, Roo made a comment in casual conversation that cracked me up!!!! The first, he was talking about Gus Gus, and said something about him, to which I replied, "no, he isn't" and Roo chuckled and said "I'm just retarded!" and laughed!! He was being so silly!!!! The second came while I was out running a few errands and he was playing in the cart and makes a comment about himself (I don't remember what the comments were, they were just silly) and I looked at him funny and he said "I am just a mess!" I was like "yeah you are!!!" I was cracking up!!!!

Those are my stories for today, can't wait for my friend to get here and show me some more things with blogging!!! I will be a pro before she leaves!!! Hahaha! Hope you all have a good week!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Nothing Much Ado

Well, I haven't had anything really go on. I have been trying to have more patience with my boys when they miss behave. I have had a few friends on my case telling me that I have been to hard on myself. It makes me happy to know I have friends that care and are looking out for me. I just feel like I am trying to get off easy or not doing enough. Me and Hubby have been trying to get these characters leveled, and we are not getting as far as we would like. We have had visitors every weekend and We are enjoying visiting, but we are spending so much time on the game and part of us not getting them leveled is I have to stop and take care of the kiddos, feed them, dress them, and get them in bed. I think that is why I am pounding myself, I am just getting stretched with all we have going plus getting the house ready before and after each visit and the normal housekeeping. I just want it over, I was hoping to get it done with. Anyway I am whining. I need to get started on some of the stuff. Just not much else going on.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

This Weekends Visit

We went and road bumper boats!!! I haven't done that in in about 8-10 years!!! It was so much fun!!! We had lunch at a casino, and we took my family to the BX and my dad bought a digital camera (where these pics are from) he has wanted one for a long time. I taught him how to work it and about uploading and sharing ( love pictures!) My stepdad/uncle/sisters dad brought me two pics of when we seen the Ninja Turtles at "Toys r us" We only got pics of Raphael and I wanted them to show to Roo because he LOVES the Ninja Turtles!!! We also saw the Turtles at Disney World, but my mom has those pics, she is looking for those for me. Anyway, just wanted to share! My sister wanted to stay, I wish she could have, I didn't get to spend much time one on one being sisters with her over the last couple of years, but we had a GREAT visit!!! I miss my family, but I am looking forward to our experiences in a new place!!!

Hubby and Gus Gus

Me and Roo

My sister, me, and hubby- ATTACK!!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Roo's Dentist Appointment

Well, the day I was worrying about is done. Roo went to the dentist to get his front tooth fixed. Hubby took Roo and Gus Gus and me went to pick up some things at the store. Hubby said Roo did WONDERFULLY!!! they were gone a total of 3 hours, one of which was letting the medicine kick in. hubby said he did better than he expected, just after two hours, he lost it, He was ready to come home, the downside is that not only did it cost us $140, they didn't finish. Remember how Roo lost it? Well, they just needed to put the crown on and he was done. So, we have to take him back to finish it and it will cost us again, just $135!!! But you can't force him, Hubby said he was screaming, I mean completely lost it, so, I understand, it just sucks!

On the other hand, Hubby finally got his orders!!! But they didn't have me and the kids factor in financially to cover us to get there, so they are redoing it. Anyway, at least we have a specific date!

Ok enough complaining!! We made it through the day!!! Tomorrow, we have more family coming and for some reason, this week, I cannot get ahead. I get all done and cleaned and within 20 minutes, it's all destroyed again! So, I need to go and try to get ahead!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


His reward for being such a big boy at the dentist today!!! He will get something else on Thursday that me and Gus Gus will shop for while Hubby takes him.

What A Day!!

My day yesterday started off good. I watched a friends' little boy while she went to have her tooth fixed. He and my boys played VERY well together, no fighting. I had a doctors appointment and it went downhill from there. My health is fine, but when I returned home, Roo's tooth was hurting him (it was hurting over the weekend) it was also discolored, alot! So, I called his dentist. We went in today and they took an x-ray and looked at it. turns out his tooth is dying, it was caused from about two years ago, he hit his mouth on the floor (throwing a fit) and it chipped it. Well, the dentist said that the tooth tried to make it but for some reason or another it couldn't . Thursday they are going to fix it. Friday we have my dad and stepdad (long story) and youngest sister coming to visit. So, I have MORE than a full plate!!! I worry alot, so this with Roo is stressing me, I just want it to be over with and I won't be worrying.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Our Weekend

Saturday we went with Hubby's family to the outlet mall here and seen "Shrek the Third" ( I liked it it was funny, cute, and short, which was good with the little ones) and we went to grab some lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings (if you have one near you go eat there they are AWESOME and stick with the wings and sauces, they have soo much to choose from!) Came home and just hung out. The boys made them shirts for Mother's and Father's day and they turned out GREAT! They actually wore them out all day. It was forecast to rain and it started out a sunny day, but as soon as we went out the dark clouds came and it POURED!!! We had fun nonetheless.

They left before lunch today, Hubby and the kids were reluctant to see them go. I have tea to make, clothes to do and relaxing until the end of this week, when I again have to get the house ready for more visitors, clean bathrooms, wash clothes, and make even more tea (everyone loves my tea). At least my place stays clean with all the visiting, I clean for people to visit, while they are here, and after they leave. I also clean mid-week when I have playgroup over here.

I cannot wait till June 16th, we have our friends from Colorado and their kiddos visiting. We will be able to celebrate Father's Day with them and my friends' birthday, we plan on a girls day out full of manicures, pedicures, shopping, and lunch!!! I can't wait!!! I will be referring to this alot, but I can't help it, i'm excited!!! Anywho, gotta run I am still helping Hubby level 2 characters on WOW!!!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Hectic but Good Day

I thought today would be worse than what it was. I had to run and get some stuff to finish a gift the boys are making and I had to go and grocery shop. I had a smaller budget in mind for grocery shopping this week and while shopping thought I was WELL over it, but turns out I was $6 under!!!! That made my day! I am having to get the room set up for Hubby's family and make dinner and put the finishing touches on the gifts (well let the boys). I am actually excited!! I will have visitors!!! We plan on taking the kids to see Shrek the Third. I am making my WONDERFUL ranch chicken and sauce and my Alfredo sauce that is VERY creamy and cheesy!!! I am excited!!! I know I've said that already! Ok need to go!!!