My Private Getaway

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

August 1,2007

I have been checking myspace, sending/replying to emails, waiting for someone to log on, and checking to see if my friend has posted anything new on her blog (which she hasn't). SO, the only thing that makes this day special or unique for us is it's my youngest sisters birthday!!!! She turns 15 today. I am waiting and waiting for my mom to call so I can wish her a "Happy Birthday"! She is the sister in the water boat pics I posted a little while ago. I can't believe how fast time goes by, I still remember her as the 8 year old playing with barbies and pretending her dog was a baby and carrying it around, putting in a stroller. Now she is able to get her driver's permit! Next year ahe will be driving!!!! I feel like I missed something between the then 8 year old and the now 15 year old!!!! I am proud of her though!!!

I have also found out that my Hubby LOVES his job here! I am glad for that, his last station, he got bored and had to put up with stupid stuff. Not to say after being here for a while there won't be anything "stupid" to put up with, but the newness and getting to know everyone and the job he will be doing is something different and he is getting the hang of things! I just hope this job will keep being something he enjoys and the down days aren't TOO terrible }=^P.

I am happy to say that my boys aren't being THAT horrible today!!!! Finally a little break :). I just hope I didn't jinx it }=^P. Have a wonderful day!!!!!!


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