Getting Ready for School
Little boys are so special!!! I have no idea where the new interest in Pokemon came from, I think he might have seen the cartoon once like a month ago and thats all!!! Roo has such a wide range of things he likes..., from Dora/Diego, Doodlebops, Curious George, to Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles, Transformers, and now possibly Pokemon!!It's hard to keep up, though by the time I get this all down, he will have moved onto something else.
Well, we have the move in all sorted out, I called yesterday left a message for the storage guy that we are coming Friday after lunch and if that doesn't work call me, well I haven't heard anything, so as far as we are concerned It's on!!!! I get to pick up the keys to the house today!!!!! I also have my phone turned on Friday so I can call everyone in the U.S. with unlimited long distance (that covers the U.S.). So, here is the waring to any friends and family reading.., I will be calling!!!!!! I am happy about that!!! I won't be disconnected from the world now :). Allrighty have a GREAT day!!!! I will talk to you soon!!!!!