Our Friends Have Left the State :(
Well, our visit with the Millers from Colorado Springs, has come to an end. They left this morning. It was a wonderful visit!!! Our children occupied each other and our Hubby's played endlessly on the computer and myself and Mrs. Miller relaxed on the couch, read magazines, books, watched some TV, yelled at the kids and our husbands, napped, talked and played some Yatzhee!!! It was so nice, whether we did something or not. I have "friends" here that I talk to but Tiffany is one of the few friends I have that it nourishes my soul when we hang out, I guess it has something to do with the fact that we can read, sleep, and not HAVE to entertain the whole time without offending. I have to say my soul was in DESPERATE need of nourishing before they arrived and though it has been, I am extremely sad of the fact they have to go back to their home. We had some good times, I will be posting some of the cute things the kids did and some pics later but right now in my sorrowful state, I am only obligating myself to having chocolate, a long bubble bath and endless screenings of Pride and Prejudice (the A&E one that is 6 hours long, don't be a pansy and fall to liking the shorter versions, you are seriously missing out!) until I feel comforted enough to go about my daily hassles and routines with our visitors!!!! Hope all had a good week. I am going to sulk!
At June 27, 2007 at 3:19 PM ,
Faerylandmom said...
I am in the same shape you are, which is why there hasn't been a word on my blog about any of it...
Love you!
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