My Roo Achieves Swimming
My mom, two sisters, little brother, and nephew have been visiting since last Thursday. We have had soo much fun. We have spent most of our time at the pool, which is great because I haven't gotten to go because I am by myself with both boys and neither can swim. Gus Gus wants to jump off the edge, stairs, or out of my arms, so I have to watch him closely. Roo, has been afraid to learn how to swim and we have not been in one place long enough to get him to swim lessons. Well, I guess the float vest thingy we had was not a good one, because no matter what he was still scared of us letting go of him (which I don't) and he happened to get up the courage to just jump in like my little brother but the vest was top heavy and tipped him head first, so of course it freaked him out!!! So, today we went to the store and got him a new vest (just like the one my little brother wears) and he finally got in and let me show him how to keep his head up, paddle with his arms, and kick his feet and HE DID IT!!!!!! After I helped him a couple of times, he didn't want anyone to help him, he jumped in the pool (even going under) and would pop up and start swimming, he did so great!!!!! I just watch him of course, but he was so proud of himself!!!!
Oh, also, me, my sisters, and my mom went to see Licenses to Wed, but we didn't make it in time so we went to see Evan Almighty. I actually like it better than Bruce Almighty. It was GREAT!!! There was no to VERY little cussing (which is barely found in any movie nowadays) and I love the part where God is referring to how he "grants" our prays, he said in one example, that "when we pray for patience God doesn't grant us patience, but the opportunity to show patience"! All of a sudden a light bulb went off!!! All those times I prayed for patience with my children, I was looking for God to bestow a great amount of patience as if nothing that day could or would set me off, and low and behold those were the days I was hanging on by a thread! Anyway, I got off of subject needless to say, I WILL be buying this movie!!!
Ok, I just wanted to share real quick, I am boxing up my house, we leave on Saturday so, I am doing EVERYTHING this week and my mom's last day is tomorrow :(. I will hopefully get some pics of Roo swimming!!!!
Oh, also, me, my sisters, and my mom went to see Licenses to Wed, but we didn't make it in time so we went to see Evan Almighty. I actually like it better than Bruce Almighty. It was GREAT!!! There was no to VERY little cussing (which is barely found in any movie nowadays) and I love the part where God is referring to how he "grants" our prays, he said in one example, that "when we pray for patience God doesn't grant us patience, but the opportunity to show patience"! All of a sudden a light bulb went off!!! All those times I prayed for patience with my children, I was looking for God to bestow a great amount of patience as if nothing that day could or would set me off, and low and behold those were the days I was hanging on by a thread! Anyway, I got off of subject needless to say, I WILL be buying this movie!!!
Ok, I just wanted to share real quick, I am boxing up my house, we leave on Saturday so, I am doing EVERYTHING this week and my mom's last day is tomorrow :(. I will hopefully get some pics of Roo swimming!!!!
At July 11, 2007 at 12:59 PM ,
Faerylandmom said... can't use that font. It makes no sense!
By the way, Roo & Gus-Gus birthday presents were on the way as of yesterday. They should be there by tomorrow or Friday. :)
At July 12, 2007 at 7:41 AM ,
Faerylandmom said...
Ok...all I had to do was copy & paste your post to a Word doc, and I can read it. Very cool.
Way to go Roo!!! *enthusiastic applause*
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